10 | 0.0616 | 11163112 | ReduxFramework->__construct( $sections = [0 => ['icon' => 'fa fa-home', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'title' => 'General', 'fields' => [...]], 1 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Layout', 'fields' => [...]], 2 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Logo & Icons', 'fields' => [...]], 3 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Header', 'fields' => [...]], 4 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Footer', 'fields' => [...]], 5 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Copyright', 'fields' => [...]], 6 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Page Title', 'fields' => [...]], 7 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => '404 Error', 'fields' => [...]], 8 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Social Share', 'fields' => [...]], 9 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Socials Link', 'fields' => [...]], 10 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-brand-appstore', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'title' => 'Styling', 'fields' => [...]], 11 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Color & Effect', 'fields' => [...]], 12 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Typography', 'fields' => [...]], 13 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-cart-alt', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'title' => 'Ecommerce', 'fields' => [...]], 14 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Product Archives', 'fields' => [...]], 15 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Single Product', 'fields' => [...]], 16 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Image Product', 'fields' => [...]], 17 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-ui-copy', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'title' => 'Blog', 'fields' => [...]], 18 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Blog & Post Archives', 'fields' => [...]], 19 => ['icon' => 'icofont icofont-double-right', 'icon_class' => 'icon', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Single Post', 'fields' => [...]], 20 => ['id' => 'wbc_importer_section', 'title' => 'Demo Importer', 'icon' => 'fa fa-cloud-download', 'desc' => 'Increase your max execution time, try 40000 I know its high but trust me.<br>\r\n\t\t\t\tIncrease your PHP memory limit, try 512MB.<br>\r\n\t\t\t\t1. The import process will work best on a clean install. You can use a plugin such as WordPress Reset to clear your data for you.<br>\r\n\t\t\t\t2. Ensure all plugins are installed beforehand, e.g. WooCommerce - any plugins that you add content to.<br>\r\n\t\t\t\t3. Be patient and wait for the import process to complete. It can take up to 3-5 minutes.<br>\r\n\t\t\t\t4. Enjoy', 'fields' => [...]]], $args = ['opt_name' => 'cerla_settings', 'display_name' => 'Cerla Theme Options', 'display_version' => 'Theme Version: 1.0', 'menu_type' => 'submenu', 'allow_sub_menu' => TRUE, 'menu_title' => 'Theme Options', 'page_title' => 'Theme Options', 'footer_credit' => 'Theme Options', 'google_api_key' => 'AIzaSyAX_2L_UzCDPEnAHTG7zhESRVpMPS4ssII', 'disable_google_fonts_link' => TRUE, 'async_typography' => FALSE, 'admin_bar' => FALSE, 'admin_bar_icon' => 'dashicons-admin-generic', 'admin_bar_priority' => 50, 'global_variable' => '', 'dev_mode' => FALSE, 'customizer' => FALSE, 'compiler' => FALSE, 'page_priority' => NULL, 'page_parent' => 'themes.php', 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', 'menu_icon' => '', 'last_tab' => '', 'page_icon' => 'icon-themes', 'page_slug' => 'cerla_settings', 'save_defaults' => TRUE, 'default_show' => FALSE, 'default_mark' => '', 'show_import_export' => TRUE, 'show_options_object' => FALSE, 'transient_time' => 3600, 'output' => TRUE, 'output_tag' => TRUE, 'database' => '', 'system_info' => FALSE, 'hints' => ['icon' => 'icon-question-sign', 'icon_position' => 'right', 'icon_color' => 'lightgray', 'icon_size' => 'normal', 'tip_style' => [...], 'tip_position' => [...], 'tip_effect' => [...]], 'ajax_save' => FALSE, 'use_cdn' => TRUE, 'intro_text' => '<p style="color: #0088cc">Please regenerate again default css files in <strong>Skin > Compile Default CSS</strong> after <strong>update theme</strong>.</p>'] ) | .../theme-options.php:33 |
11 | 0.0636 | 11383576 | Redux_Args->__construct( $redux = class ReduxFramework { public $fields = []; public $field_types = []; public $field_head = []; public $extensions = []; public $sections = []; public $errors = []; public $warnings = []; public $sanitize = []; public $validation_ran = NULL; public $no_output = NULL; public $options = []; public $options_defaults = NULL; public $compiler_fields = []; public $required = []; public $required_child = []; public $fonts = []; public $google_array = []; public $folds = []; public $output = []; public $outputCSS = ''; public $output_variables = []; public $compilerCSS = ''; public $fields_hidden = []; public $field_sections = []; public $typography = []; public $args = []; public $old_opt_name = ''; public $filesystem = NULL; public $font_groups = []; public $options_defaults_class = NULL; public $options_class = NULL; public $required_class = NULL; public $output_class = NULL; public $render_class = NULL; public $enqueue_class = NULL; public $transient_class = NULL; public $wordpress_data = NULL; public $validate_class = NULL; public $sanitize_class = NULL; public $args_class = NULL; public $transients = []; public $repeater_data = []; public $localize_data = []; public $transients_check = []; public $never_save_to_db = NULL; public $hidden_perm_sections = [] }, $args = ['opt_name' => 'cerla_settings', 'display_name' => 'Cerla Theme Options', 'display_version' => 'Theme Version: 1.0', 'menu_type' => 'submenu', 'allow_sub_menu' => TRUE, 'menu_title' => 'Theme Options', 'page_title' => 'Theme Options', 'footer_credit' => 'Theme Options', 'google_api_key' => 'AIzaSyAX_2L_UzCDPEnAHTG7zhESRVpMPS4ssII', 'disable_google_fonts_link' => TRUE, 'async_typography' => FALSE, 'admin_bar' => FALSE, 'admin_bar_icon' => 'dashicons-admin-generic', 'admin_bar_priority' => 50, 'global_variable' => '', 'dev_mode' => FALSE, 'customizer' => FALSE, 'compiler' => FALSE, 'page_priority' => NULL, 'page_parent' => 'themes.php', 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', 'menu_icon' => '', 'last_tab' => '', 'page_icon' => 'icon-themes', 'page_slug' => 'cerla_settings', 'save_defaults' => TRUE, 'default_show' => FALSE, 'default_mark' => '', 'show_import_export' => TRUE, 'show_options_object' => FALSE, 'transient_time' => 3600, 'output' => TRUE, 'output_tag' => TRUE, 'database' => '', 'system_info' => FALSE, 'hints' => ['icon' => 'icon-question-sign', 'icon_position' => 'right', 'icon_color' => 'lightgray', 'icon_size' => 'normal', 'tip_style' => [...], 'tip_position' => [...], 'tip_effect' => [...]], 'ajax_save' => FALSE, 'use_cdn' => TRUE, 'intro_text' => '<p style="color: #0088cc">Please regenerate again default css files in <strong>Skin > Compile Default CSS</strong> after <strong>update theme</strong>.</p>', 'load_on_cron' => FALSE] ) | .../framework.php:523 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla.